
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Obsession: Pinterest

Seriously, WHERE have I been hiding? Apparently under a rock because I have been missing the best thing to hit the web in the last 10 years: Pinterest. It is yet another social community (no groaning, just keep reading…) It allows you to store ideas all in one place – a virtual mood board for your life. Things that you love – recipes, books, DIY projects, craft projects, prints, art and architecture, photography, all can be categorized onto boards. It's all saved in one neat space.

Love DIY and craft projects? Browse the world wide, wide, wide web of blogs, online magazines, newspapers, retailers, and sites. When you see something you like, just hit the Pinterest button (installed on your favorites on your web browser) and voila! It's saved to your board. Go back later and see everything you want to create. You can also follow people and repin other posts, so Pinterest is a source of tremendous creativity and great ideas. Check it out here. You need to request an invitation, but all you need is an email address and within 24 hours I was sent a confirmation that I was accepted into the community. (Was there really a chance they would reject me?)

I just got started today last week.  Get started today and be sure to "follow" me!   Here's my friend Erin's pinboards -  ideas for decorating her nursery and for her baby due in November, fashion, interiors, exteriors, and so much more.

Are you obsessed yet? I am!  It's really organizes your web surfing!


  1. I know what you mean, I recently started and I am hooked

  2. I've heard about it, but haven't checked it out yet.

  3. Love this idea, I just requested an invite.

  4. Yay Libby! I'll have to find you on there. I absolutely love it too. I am such a visual person and a list maker, so it makes me very happy!
