
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Molly’s 2nd Birthday Party – Take 2

Just when the dust had settled from Molly's 2nd birthday party, her actual birthday was here. Because it obviously couldn't go ignored and I wouldn't want to ignore it anyway, we celebrated as a family. Now a second year tradition, I served her up waffles loaded with syrup and we sang "Happy Birthday" many, many times. I decorated the kitchen table to make it extra special and even more exciting.

Grandpa was out of town, but Molly's Gma, Mema, Pop-pop and Auntie Meggie came over to celebrate. We opened a truck load of presents, most of which I am saving in the closet to bring out in spurts – but the biggest hit was the piano! We had pizza, salad and cake – and a really good time.

I decorated the dining room for dinner with the decorations I had created for the birthday party using my PSA Essentials custom stamp – "Molly's 2nd Birthday Party." The banners, party hats and pom-poms were festive! 

It was a great celebration and now we are happily back to routine!


  1. Lovely party mood here!! great pictures and Molly is a very lucky girl to have had such a wonderful birthday:) Sandra H

  2. so so cute...Molly is going to have some great memories..

  3. What a fun time! I'm sure she loved every minute of it.

  4. Happy Birthday to Molly! Very sweet pictures and welcome to our little blogging group over at SCS!

  5. ahhh everything looks amazing, love it!!

  6. What a lovely party! thanks for sharing!
