
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bringing in 2012

We are all about traditions – though some may call it routine, or some negative ones might call it a rut. Whether it's Friday night movie night, or our daily bath time/bedtime routine, when something works – we stick with it. Which is why we are having a repeat performance of last year's New Years Eve. Gone are the days of my sparkly dresses and oodles of champagne, fancy parties and late nights out. I am most content with our new tradition: The 5:00 pm dinner at a fancy restaurant (Michael Anthony's on Hilton Head, to be exact) with Molly and a movie at home with Mike. Susan will call me a house cat but I can't help it – I just love being home with my family.

Here's a great card by Jeanne Streiff to celebrate the New Year. She's used the toasting champagne glasses from PSA Mr. & Mrs. and lightly colored them in with blue to give them that glass look. The whimsical "Happy New Year" writing coordinates perfectly with the twine, the tied ribbon on the stamp, and the color scheme of the card. Adorable!

Whatever you tradition – be it staying at home, an early dinner out, or partying into the wee-hours of the night – enjoy your New Years Eve. Have a Happy New year!


  1. Happy New Year!!!
    What an awesome card!
    Cheers to a great 2012!

  2. Happy new year to you too! your card is just so lovely:) Sandra H

  3. great tradition!! Enjoy it. Happy new Year (love the card!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Happy new year to you. That was beautiful gift cards, did you made it your self? I am wondering to made some gift card kind like that with my Mould Release Agent solution.
    The idea is creating some jelly gift for my muslim friend with that and attached some card within. what do you think?
