
Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Day - 2012

What's wrong with this picture? 

Imagine living in a world where whites and blacks had separate entrances to restaurants. Separate drinking fountains. Separate library books. Separate schools. Separate bathrooms and toilets. It wasn't long ago that Jim Crow laws were in effect – in fact, it was only 47 years ago that they ended. Without getting too heavy (we're a crafting blog and I'm not here to preach civil rights & liberties!) let's remember Martin Luther King, Jr. today. Sometimes with federal holidays that aren't Christmas, New Years or Thanksgiving – people tend to overlook why we have the day off from work. But today's an important day to stop and reflect. With his forward thinking and unwillingness to settle for "separate but equal," Martin Luther King moved our country in a better direction.

Our designer Jennifer Holmes created this adorable card to celebrate diversity in the world. She's stamped all the characters from Smirk Caffeine Confidents (see them here: and colored them up to represent different nationalities. I just ADORE this card.

She's used her copics to illustrate their skin color differences! Simply perfect for this holiday.

I am so happy Molly is growing up today as opposed to 1960. Her two best friends are African-American and I hope she will be blind to the color of people's skin forever. Aren't they all cute?   (This isn't the best picture of  them but I rarely have my camera there.... so imagine Yolanda and Kayden are smiling!) 

Have a wonderful holiday!