
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Scrapbooking Life's Little Moments

Scrapbooking is such an artistic way to journal life's major events and holidays like Christmas. But it's also a great way to journal the not-so-major, everyday life events. Like these ones from our design team member Kim Moreno. Even with her five children, she managed to find the time to scrapbook her son's track meet and do a layout about friendship for her daughter. It's these every day type of events and moments that really document life! And she does it so creatively.

In this one of her son's track meet, I love the series of three pictures. She's stamped "Well Done", "You Rock" and "Keep it up" from PSA Super Star. Such a great stamp set for this page!

Here Kim has used vibrant colors and adorable pictures of her daughter and her friend. She's stamped from Smirk Caffeine Confidents, the two girls and the sentiment "Fabulous friends." This layout is simple and elegant and really tells a great story of friendship!

What scrapbook layouts are you working on?


  1. I love these both! I wish i could scrapbook like the ones you have shown all week....they have been amazing!!
    TFS :)

  2. These are so cute! I'm trying to scrap a page a week...we'll see!

  3. Love the LOs clean and simple!

  4. These are great, wasn't really into scrapbooking but having seen a lot over the last few days l'm really liking them:) Sandra H
