
Thursday, March 1, 2012

St. Patty's Day Kids Craft Idea

What's a mom to do when her nanny is having eye-cataract surgery with a non-napping, 2 1/2 year old -- on a rainy afternoon?  Crafting!  First I cut an old sponge in the shape of a shamrock and let Molly dip it in green paint and sponge it onto white paper.

This didn't last long... I needed more...  I cut hearts out of my Bazzil Basics green scrapbook papers.   I let her glue them onto paper.   Gluing is REALLY fun when you are 2.

Throw in some glitter glue and Want 2 Scrap gold sticker dots and things are looking promising...

I cut out some shamrocks quickly from cardstock.  I didn't pay any attention to detail on cutting them exactly.   That wasn't the point.  Then I let Molly stamp away with a PSA Stamper.    We (okay really I) chose the sentiment "live well, laugh often, love much" from PSA Dare to Dream Peel & Stick collection.

Molly's very focused stamping here, isn't she?  I was shocked to see how well she punched holes in the shamrocks when I gave her the hole punch.   (Mike who was also home because of the rainy day was true to form and freaking out that she was going to cut herself... but there was little risk, Mr. Helicopter.)

Now I helped her thread twine from The Twinery through the punched holes.   I was again pretty shocked - she was very focused on getting the twine through the hole... that particular part of the activity lasted a good 10 minutes.

All threaded up....

And proudly on the mantel...

Just in time for the sun to come out!  (And we need not discuss the headband.  Or the bracelets. That's what happens when you take a 2.5 year old girl to Claire's Accessories for the first time.)

I love link parties!  I have linked this project up these fabulous blogs.  Check them out

Sugar Bee Crafts
Under the Table & Dreaming 


  1. FANTASTIC! I do hope that you made one for G-Ma and Grandpa and Mema and PopPop's house.

    And, I must say, my first comment was going to be directed toward the Gammon-like headband, but you've already addressed that!

  2. Wow, what fun projects for a little girl. I might have to try these with my 3 year old. Thanks for sharing the ideas.

  3. This too cute! Our girls are the same age and I know my Teagan would love this! If you have a chance please link this up on my Tuesday linky party going on now.

    Thanks, Michelle

  4. love it so very fun and cute hands on come see me at
