
Monday, April 23, 2012

Book Cover Artwork - Tutorial

A big thank you to Amy at Mod Podge Rocks who shared my post on book cover artwork this weekend.  I am so appreciative of the interest on how to make it and happy to share step by step instructions.   It’s easy, fun and looks great in a playroom or room.

Here’s what you will need.   You know all those paper book covers on hardcover books?  You will need to part with them.   Remove them, set them aside and wait until you’ve collected a lot.  How many depends on the size of canvas you are creating.   I did two 24 x 36 canvases so I needed 25 covers.

You will also need:

·         Super duper spray mount – a very heavy adhesive spray like 3M Super 77, or Scotch Photo Mount.
·         A great trimming system – I like Martha Stewart’s paper trimmer
·         Mod Podge Paper Gloss
·         A canvas – size of your choice
·         A paint brush

Step by step:

1.       Trim the book covers so you remove the jackets – you’ll want to cut next to the fold to make sure there’s an even surface.  
2.       Do a mock up and arrange the cut book covers across the canvas.  Play with the colors, themes and then the shapes.  Some of the cover will have to hang off the side to cover the sides of the canvas – keep this in mind so you don’t cut things off that you want to show on the front. 
3.       Spray the canvas all over with spray mount
4.       Start in the upper left corner and position the first cover down.
5.       Repeat until you have laid all the covers out on the canvas.  
6.       For the edge pieces, fold them just like a present on a package you are wrapping.    You will need a lot of spray mount here.
7.       Wait until everything dries and paint Mod Podge Paper Gloss over the entire canvas to seal it.  Make sure to do it in a place where you aren’t getting dirt sealed in, too! (Best inside in a well-ventilated area.)
8.       Repeat several times – I used three coats!

Here’s a tip, too: Wear disposable gloves.  Spray mount is sticky and nasty stuff!   Mod Podge really finishes it off and gives it a professional look.  Without the Mod Podge, I think it would look unfinished and not unified.   Any suggestions or improvements, let me know! 


  1. Aw, Libby this is so cute! Thank you for the idea. My brother is expecting, so this would be a great thing to make!!

  2. Beautiful peace of art. Love it. Thanks for sharing, Johanne L.

  3. I love this so much! What a great project!
    There's No Place Like Home

  4. I have a friend who loves children's lit & teaches preschool. This would be perfect for her classroom!

  5. I have been eyeing this project for so long. I just ordered the materials to get started. How long would you say this project took you?
