
Friday, May 4, 2012

A Room for 2.0

Part of my nesting for Baby 2.0 (my “womb name” for my 2nd child due on May 18th) has been agonizing over the nursery and what it should look like.   The room was previously Molly’s before we moved her into a new bedroom, and not wanting my 2nd child to start off on the hand-me-down foot, I wanted to redecorate so it was different, unique and special for this baby.   The project has taken me months (not because it's been difficult to do but because I have made so many changes...) and I’ve run out of time.   It’s finally ready!

If you want to learn more about the artwork, check out my post on the Elephant Artwork I made.  ( 

All ready! 


  1. It turned out beautiful. Love all the animals. Your baby will love it

  2. It is a really sweet room. I think your choices are perfect for you new bundle. Enjoy these last few weeks before its arrival, tfs

  3. LOVE your new 2.0's room. Especially adore the pictures of real animals and the two large stuffed animals that I saw. Is 2.0 a boy? I enjoyed looking at your wedding pictures too. You two are a very lucky couple to have each other and 1+ children. Take time for the three of you during the next few weeks. Hugs

    1. Hi Barbara, thank-you for the sweet words and advice to take time the next few weeks! Thank-you for reading the blog!

  4. It looks so wonderful! I love all the black and white with the yellow and of course, I adore the animals!

  5. The room is just darling! Thanks for sharing!
