
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Welcome Connor Michael O'Regan

On Thursday, May 17th   at 1.10 pm,  we welcomed our son into this world!   Connor Michael O’Regan was 8 lbs and 19.5 inches and perfectly healthy.   We are totally in love with him and I am so proud to introduce him here at PSA Stamp Camp. 

I ordered our birth announcements from Tiny Prints (  I am busy stuffing envelopes, putting on labels and stamping all 150 of them to get them out.  I had the above custom stamp made to stamp the back of the envelopes... isn't it cute?

I stamped my address on the birth announcements with my personalized address stamp and the inner ring “It’s A Boy” from PSA Carriage Peel & Stick pack.

We are adjusting to life as a family of four – there have been some challenges and not a lot of sleep, but every day gets easier and better.  Babies don’t stay babies forever – in the first year of life infants go from tiny blobs to crawling to walking and babbling.   I am reminding myself of that with each 2 am or 4 am feeding and trying to cherish those times as they’re fleeting.  This time is short lived - time to make the most of it. 


  1. Congrats to you Libby and your beautiful family!! Connor is so adorable and you look fabulous!!

  2. Oh my goodness, he is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing the amazing pictures, and what a great idea for birth announcements. Congratulations!

  3. Congrats on your Bundle of Joy. My Daughter is due on Sept.25th we will be first time Grandparents. thanks for sharing your Beautiful Baby with us all.

  4. thank you for sharing you baby with us and what a great idea for announcements!

  5. Congratulations, Libby, to you and your beautiful family! What a cutie...SO HAPPY FOR YOU! XOXO

  6. Congratulations, Libby!!! Such cute pictures. I can see the family resemblance. You're right, time passes quickly. Before you know it, they are no longer babies.

  7. He is amazing...I love that hair, and YOU look amazing! Congratulations!
