
Monday, July 2, 2012

Mike's 40th Birthday Party

It’s hard for me to believe that my husband turned 40 this weekend.   It seems like time has flown by because when I met him he was in his late twenties and we got together in his early 30’s.   I invited 7 of his college and high school buddies to come down for the weekend and my parents generously let them use their house while they were away on vacation.   One big weekend long frat party, they had an amazing time.  I am reminded whenever I see these guys what great friends they are to Mike and how important true friends are in your life. 

We had a small party on Saturday night.   With the arrival of Connor I haven’t been able to craft as much as I like, but I got a “40th Birthday” custom stamp made.  We have some pretty talented graphic designers that can do just about anything if you need a custom stamp.   Here’s what Lesley came up with!

Also with the arrival of Connor, I haven’t been cooking or baking much.   All my sister-in-law could find at the grocery store were some girly cupcakes and 4th of July cupcakes!  So we went with the flow.  I made some quick cupcake toppers by stamping my custom stamp in royal blue ink on paper, then punching with my 2” scallop punch.   I adhered to lollipop sticks.

I am so glad that Mike had the opportunity to be with his friends this weekend.  He’s been working incredibly hard at home by helping me around the house, making the adjustment for Molly easier, and bonding with Connor.  I really wanted him to have some “Mike time” and be with people that would make him feel good and have fun with.    I am so thankful that the boys were able to make the trip down (minus a few that were missed!) and I am thankful I got to spend some adult time with him on Saturday night. 


  1. Looks like mike had a fab time:)x

  2. Loving those cupcake toppers!! Visiting from Reasons to Skip the Housework. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
