
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Deer Art

There are a few projects that our designers do that I get really excited about blogging about.   This is one of them.  Perhaps it’s because I love art – I am a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Art and Design, and I desperately miss painting and creating works of art.   Or perhaps it’s because I love seeing someone following a trend but making it their own.  Or maybe a small part of me likes this piece of artwork because Angie Holden has used the delta stamps from our Greek line, and I am a Delta Delta Delta.   Today I am sharing Angie Holden’s Deer Art.    It’s graphic, eye catching and FABULOUS. 

Love this set in the context of a little boys’ room.    This is a funky accent and bold statement.    

Tutorial coming tomorrow, since I know you will want to recreate this!   Here's the line of stamps she used. 

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