
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Team USA & a trip to London

My parents - those extreme lucky ducks - are at the 2012 London Olympics right now.  My father was going for business and my mother was a last minute stowaway in his luggage.   From all reports, it's been extremely exciting.  From a trip down the Thames River to avoid traffic to the games (well excussssee me!) to the controversy of winning the bronze medal, to taking London in at night - my parents sure look like they're having a blast.   Take a peek at some of their photos and some inspired cards by our design team member Jennifer Holmes.

Here are some inspired cards by Jennifer Holmes.  Jennifer has used the athlete stamps from UBU Girls Got Game.   She's used the outer ring of PSA Cupcake to create those white dotted rings. 

Look how she's colored them up using her Touch Twin markers!  Really brings them to life. 

Another patriotic "Team USA" card.   

Jennifer used a stamp from Smirk Sports Babe.   How fitting is this?! 

One last amazing card from Jennifer for the 2012 Olympics. 

Jennifer used the Hello Kitty playing soccer from Hello Kitty All Star.  Love this card!   It's perfect for these games. 

Its hard to imagine my parents are having any fun without me.  Sure looks like they're suffering, doesn't it? 


  1. How lucky are they?!! great photos and stunning cards, xx

  2. Wow! What an exciting trip! The cards are so cute!
