
Thursday, November 15, 2012

What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?  Since I am thankful for so many things, a post about "what I am thankful for" was incredibly daunting. So I decided to write 10 quick things I am thankful for without editing them for content or over thinking it.  Here's what came of the exercise.   I am thankful:

  1. My mother took tennis lessons at Port Royal Racquet Club, and I was introduced to her tennis pro, Mike O'Regan... now my husband. 
  2. Molly is doing better on the potty.  I hate cleaning up accidents.  
  3. My best friend Danielle has more time on her hands now, which means I can chat with her during the day sometimes.  
  4. We live near the beach - so year round, we can go for a random stroll like last weekends picnic on the beach. 
  5. Connor smiles at Mike so much and it makes Mike SO incredibly happy, because of this I think they have developed such a strong bond.  
  6. We get to travel so much.  I am so excited for our annual family vacation in Cabo. 
  7. My job at PSA Essentials.  I love writing, I love creating crafts, I love doing PR, I love spending time on Facebook, I love interacting with creative and talented designers, I love the thrill of chasing more sales, I love stationery and gifts, I love marketing.  So really, this job is perfect. 
  8. That we have a roof over our head and we aren't under water.  The poor people of Sandy. I can't imagine all that devastation. 
  9. Oh, I am thankful for electrical power!  Saw today that some people haven't had power in 17 days! And it's cold up there. 
  10. I am thankful for May River Montessori, the school that Molly attends.  I had to look up the solar system and order of the planets the other day... it's possible that my 3 year old might be smarter than me now.   Good looks will only get you so far... brains will take you anywhere. 

And now, a project by Ginger Bowie at Ginger Snap Crafts.  Check out her DIY Dry-Erase board.  She's  done a full tutorial here on her blog for you to replicate it!

She has used her PSA Essentials stamper and Rosetta stamps to create perfect impressions every time. Take a peek at how crisp and clear these stamps turned out.  

Alright, what are you thankful for?  Link up your post if you have one!


  1. I'm thankful that my family is healthy and that my husband has a great job during these hard economic times that allow me to stay at home and homeschool my kids.
