
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Introducing Love Struck & A GIVEAWAY!

There are a few moments in time that last forever.  Sometimes you know it right in the moment, sometimes it's only upon reflection that you realize how special it was.  For me the weekend of Erin & Geoffrey Dunkle's wedding is something I will remember for the rest of my life and I knew it right away.  It was the weekend that Mike (now my husband) told me he loved me and asked me to move to South Carolina when I graduated The University of Michigan.  

Geoff and Mike were friends.  Erin and I had never met before their wedding but we connected immediately. I knew right away she was a stylish, fun, smart woman.  She liked my Prada bag and I am pretty sure I gave her the strangest wedding present of all time.  A Prada wallet.  Who does that? People who like Prada, I guess! 

I've kept up with Erin for the last ten years on Facebook, always admiring her beautiful children, her sassy and witty updates, and most of all her impeccable STYLE.    Since we both have children now, expensive brands like Prada are less of a priority but affordable style is still crucial!   Enter Love Struck, Erin's genius business. 

Love Struck is a virtual boutique on Facebook. Every Tuesday night, Erin holds an auction. She posts photos of the the items she is offering that week, and you (the customer) simply leave a comment that says 'sold!' when you see a product you want to buy. Pay via Paypal, and a few days later your purchase arrives in the mail.  It's as easy as that. 

Find beautiful necklaces, stunning scarves, earrings, bracelets, handbags, wallets, tablet covers, tops, dresses and more. Her products are so cute and so affordable ... perfect for busy moms (or anyone!) who want to look good every day but don't want to spend a fortune. 

To introduce you to Love Struck, today we're giving away a special treat from to one PSA Essentials fan or PSA Stamp Camp follower.   Do you love it!?  Enter below with Rafflecopter! You have until next Tuesday, 1/29 at 12:00 AM.  One winner will be chosen.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out this week's Love Struck auction, which starts at 6:30pm Central Time on Tuesday, too! 


  1. Thank you for sharing Libby! I'm gonna have to check out the Facebook page!! I'm sure lovin' a lot of those necklaces! :)

  2. Beautiful bracelet!! Thanks for the giveaway!! I'm definately going to check her Facebook page. Thanks :)
