
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Birth Announcements for Girl

Of course babies are born 365 days of the year, but for some reason in marketing land, spring means baby. All of my favorite stationery companies are launching new birth announcements right now and even though I am not expecting, I still love to look at new designs. (Check out my board on Pinterest, I've been pinning away!)  Here are a few of my favorites: 

Girl announcement

Soft and sweet birth announcement
Tiny Prints

Girl Photo Birth Announcements Handwritten Hello - Front : Soft Pink

Our personalized stamps make a great gift for new parents (or even 2nd, 3rd or 4th time around parents) because it makes sending birth announcements a breeze.  No more writing your address dozens of times or those icky printer labels.   When Molly was born, I used my personalized Wallace stamp and switched out the middle with "It's a Girl" from PSA Carriage Peel & Stick pack.  I went a step further and swapped out my ink cartridge with lime & pink ink.  

You see how our switchable middles work and how there's one stamp for every occasion? 

Sending out Molly's announcements out feels like such a long time ago.  The day she was born: August 30th, 2009 feels more like 30 years ago, much less than 3.5 years ago.  What a little peanut Molly was!  Mike and I were so thrilled, so enchanted with her right away.

These pictures bring back wonderful memories!


  1. Awwwwwww.isn't she just the cutest baby you must of all been so pleased with Molly how time flies too! x

  2. Wowww!!nice blog keep on blog.
    Private Salon
