
Friday, November 15, 2013

Celebrating a Birthday

Last weekend, we celebrated my father's birthday.  Saturday morning the kids and I spent a few hours prepping. Molly and I made a cake, she made him a card, and Connor even participated in some crafting too! The best part of making a cake as a kid is the chance to taste the batter...

When it came time to make a card, naturally I chose to incorporate PSA Essentials Peel & Stick stamps. We released the sentiment collection last year which includes a "happy birthday  stamp.  It sounds like a marketing gimmick to say, "PSA Essentials is so easy, even a child can stamp."  But it's true so I will prove it with pictures! Connor is just 18 months but Molly has years of practice with PSA Essentials so she gave him some help...

Molly is getting quite good at writing!  There are some letter you need to show her first, but many others that she can write from memory.

When our cards were done and the cake was baked, we went over to my parents house to celebrate!  It was a fun-filled afternoon.

Here are some more professional looking cards for birthday made by our design team member, Carly Robertson.  She is so incredibly talented... maybe Molly will design cards like her one day!

All of these Peel & Stick stamps can be found here!  Look for Whimsy Cakes, Mom's Calendar, and Vanilla Peel & Stick packs to create these cards.

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