
Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Prep!

We had a wonderful, very busy weekend prepping for Christmas!  We got out all of our decorations out, attended "Light up the night" on the promenade, went to the Bluffton Christmas parade, Mike and I went to an adults only holiday party, we got our tree, made a gingerbread house, and started our crafts...Phew.   Is it the weekend yet? Oh... it's Monday.

We started by decorating our special ornament tree.  My father started the tradition when I was young.  I am lucky to receive a VERY special ornament each year, even Molly loves that Tiffany blue box or that sparkly Swarovski Crystal!

"Light up the night" on the Bluffton Promenade included a movie in the park, cotton candy, bounce houses and Santa. The "scary" movie was a big hit with Molly.  Connor enjoyed the special treats... 

The Parade on Saturday was a lot of fun! Followed that evening by our Christmas party... 

Adults only please! Hostess with the mostess Ashley, serves up lots of food in their new house! Thanks for my friends Susan and Luke who babysat for the kids last minute when my sitter bailed! 

Sunday got off to a slow start but busier in the afternoon and evening with Gingerbread House making, getting our tree, and dinner with my in-laws. 

This week I will be sharing projects for Christmas!  How was your weekend?  Are you ready for the holidays yet? Slowly but surely, we are getting there... 

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