
Sunday, December 29, 2013

O'Regan Christmas Recap

Last night through the haze of flu medication, I had enough energy to upload and edit some pictures from Christmas.  (I also realized I had been so busy, I hadn't done much of anything with my December pictures!)  Here's a look back on the crafting, baking, party-attending, Santa-seeing, present-opening, singing, violin-playing, church-going, fun-filled family adventures of the last two weeks...

Part of me is incredibly relieved that the season is over.  As we slowly organize all the new toys that we were so fortunate to receive and get out house back in order, a sense of order and organization come over me and I am looking forward to a new year ahead.  As usual, I am making lists of all that I want to accomplish and writing a few new years resolutions. 

Part of me is also sad that the season is over -- I heard a Christmas song today and instead of being annoyed, I felt bummed.  When the kids are this young, it's such a magical time and every day is exciting.  We did so much over the last few weeks, from the school performances to ballet recital, numerous holiday parties and activities to do, I worry that January and February will be a let down!  

I am so grateful to spend quality time with our family, some of which we don't get to see all the time.  That is what this season is all about.

I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season, as well!

Onto 2014!

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