
Monday, June 16, 2014

Bachelorette Party

This weekend I had the chance to celebrate my sister-in-law, Meghan, getting married. It was her Bachelorette party weekend here on Hilton Head and she came down from Boston.  We were joined by friends from New York and Chicago and it was an absolute blast!  Meghan is getting married to my husband's best friend, Jack.  Jack was our best man at our wedding and on July 12th, he'll marry my sister-in-law (my husband's sister!)  Pretty much the coolest marriage ever.

We celebrated all weekend long. Friday night we had take out, drank some wine, and sat on my in-laws deck.  Saturday we were at the pool.  Saturday night, Mr & Mrs. Green (wonderful friends of my in-laws) hosted a champagne cocktail party.  Over the weekend, we threw Meghan a lingerie shower, mini-shower, celebrated with cupcakes, a silly veil, light up rings, decorations and much more.  I made my own gift wrap with Connor's help, using my PSA Essentials Peel & Stick stamps (from the Mr. & Mrs. Peel & Stick set) and of course, I threw some stamp pictures in here. Here's a look at the weekend!

I didn't have time to make my own cards so I picked a few cards up from Papyrus! The first was her shower card -- love this one! "Here's to domestic bliss.." (We gave her a gift certificate to Bed, Bath & Beyond.)

Connor and I made some gift wrap using my PSA Essentials Peel & Stick stamps (Mr. & Mrs.) So easy to do -- just take white (or brown) kraft paper and stamp using your stamper.  Takes a few minutes to stamp over and over again.

We celebrated Friday night casually! Here's the bride to be rockin' her new T-shirt. Then there's Mary, pouring wine out of our extra special wine bottles and our cupcakes from Ronnie's Bakery...

Saturday afternoon after the pool we continued to shower Meghan -- I hung some decorations on the windows. Then we got ready for the Green's champagne cocktail party which my in-laws also attended. Meghan and Pop-pop (my father-in-law) practiced their walk down the aisle. What a beautiful celebration! 

Here we are at Santa Fe Cafe on Hilton Head.

Meghan brought the house down with the entertainment! We really had a fantastic weekend and I cannot wait for the wedding.  Congrats Meghan and Jack.  Thank you for a special weekend to Meghan and her friends.

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