
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cute Back to School Photo Idea

Today marked the official "back to school" day for May River Montessori here in Bluffton, South Carolina, though it's a strange schedule until September 2nd.  Because of orientation for new students, we have school this week, but not next and they are half days for Molly and only 1 hour and 1 1/2 hours for Connor.  They both loved their first day, Connor was particularly thrilled with his new bag with his name on it.

I took more than enough "first day" photos of them this morning. I found these chalkboard/burlap stakes that were already made up and I wrote their class/year for easy reference years from now. The stakes were $5.99 each at Michael's and well worth my time not to have to do any DIY.  Photos turned out cute! Here they are:

We're practicing our smile. Clearly... 

Snapped this from the car.... right before meltdown (which I am told only lasted seconds.) 

Happy first day of school! Be sure to share your photos with us on our Facebook page. We'd love to see the creative ways you are taking back to school and first day photos of your kids. 

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