
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

London & Birmingham

I am back from an incredible adventure to London and Birmingham, U.K for my best friend's "wedding 2.0." Last August, Jenny got married in New Hampshire though because she married a Brit, only a few of her husband family and friends were able to attend.  Wedding 2.0 took place in Birmingham and was celebrated with over hundred guests from all over England and Scotland.  I was so honored to be included and fortunate enough to be able to make the trip!

You can read all about her wedding last year (click to view the post). It was an incredible rustic wedding at Longlook Farm in New Hampshire.  Complete with a DIY bar, photo booth, handmade flower crowns, and so many beautiful handmade details, it's a wedding you should see!  We made her a PSA Essentials personalized stamp that she then used for favor tags and favors.

The day I arrived, I took a double decker tour bus around the city to get a complete tour. I loved Covenant Gardens area, Mayfair district, and it was very interesting to see all the "major" sites (London Bridge, Tower Bridge, the financial district, theater district, Big Ben, Parliament, The London Eye...)  On Friday, Jenny and I went to the Tate Modern in London, which is truly one of my favorite modern art museums in the world. We didn't venture to the Matisse cut out exhibit, but I heard it was fabulous.

One of my favorite things to do while traveling is check out local eateries and specialty shops. I loved seeing the perfumeries and tea shops while in London.

On Friday afternoon, we made our way by train to Birmingham, where Jenny and Dan now live.  It's actually an interesting city that I enjoyed checking out! Friday night, we had fish & chips at her home. It was really lovely!  Saturday morning, I sat by myself in a cafe, had coffee and read the paper for an hour. It was glorious.

Onto the details of wedding 2.0 now! Her mom made the boutonniere and the flowers for Jenny to wear in her hair. 

The reception was held in Dan's parents garden, at the home where he grew up. Gorgeous garden!

There was a short ceremony and some speeches. I was unaware of having to say anything so I "made it up." Not really sure what came out of my mouth! 

Dan asked that all of Jenny's friend state-side make a video... He edited it and it was a complete surprise to Jenny!

Then it was time to party! Well into the night.... What incredible fun we had!

Congrats to Jenny & Dan again! 

To see more of Jenny's wedding in New Hampshire, visit this post: and also check out the Boston Boat Party I hosted for them last August, too!  There were lots of fun PSA Essentials details in that one, too. Visit: 

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