
Friday, July 1, 2011

A project for the kiddos

Sing the song with me: "Schoooooool's out for summer. Schoooooooooool's out for EVA. No more pencils, no more teachers, any homework!" You know the flick – Dazed and Confused. Need a reminder?

So you're at home with the kiddos – you've already been to the pool a dozen times, hit the Rec center activities, and turning on the TV is a last resort. Kids are BORED already. Time for some crafting! Amber Zimmerman has some great ideas to cure any summer boredom your kids may be facing. She created this fun Tic-tac-toe board using PSA Vanilla Peel & Stick stamps for the "x" and the "o". Double score: it's an activity to create the board game and an activity to play the game.

Amber made it a gift idea, too. By stamping the back of the back of the game with "xoxo" from PSA Love Birds, it gives it an extra finished look, and can be given as a kids birthday gift. I love the bright pink and lemon yellow color choices, and she has chosen some beautiful paper, too. Do you have any kid project ideas?


  1. I love this game. It would be perfect to take on a trip to keep the rug rats busy for awhile. All of your stamps are fabulous.
    cstephenson at q dot com

  2. Haha! I love Dazed and Confused! Really cute idea, no game ideas coming to mind right now, but thought that the Christmas stamps could be used to make a Christmas count down calender, hmmmm.....

  3. This is such a totally cute idea!
