
Friday, February 17, 2012

Guest Designer - Jamie Cripps

Welcome!  It's our first PSA Stamp Camp Guest Designer for Spring 2012. We had an enormous number of applications, more than any other before, so this was a tough decision.  Ultimately we settled on a designer with lots of experience and someone who demonstrated a versatility in styles.   Congratulations and welcome Jamie Cripps from Bits of Paper!

Her creative resume is impressive.   She's been published in Scrapbook Trends, Michigan Scrapbooker, Cricut Magazine, and is currently on seven (yes, 7!) design teams including Momenta, The Twinery and great others.  She updates her blog several times a week - be sure to visit her for lots of inspiration.

I was anxious to see what she designed using PSA Essentials stamps.  She didn't disappoint.   Here's what she came up with!  For the first card, she chose the sentiment "skip the cake, eat the icing" from PSA Dare to Dream.  This card is whimsical and beautiful at the same time.

She stamped the back of her card with her PSA Essentials personalized stamp which I had made with her blog address & name.

What's next really made me smile.  It's a box that you can fill with presents and goodies to welcome a new baby!

Check out the details here, she used stamps from PSA Little Bunny.

A seasonal card coming up - the colors remind me of St. Patty's Day.  She stamped "Make it happen" from PSA Dare to Dream.

We are welcoming all of Jamie's fans and followers of her blog Bits of Paper by hosting a giveaway of 1 custom stamp.   Only readers who are not already followers are eligible for this one.   Please become a follower via Google Connect or subscribe via "Follow by Email" newsletter to enter.   Leave a comment letting us know you've done so!   We will close this on 2/24/2012 and announce it 2/25 on PSA Facebook's page.  

Welcome Jamie Cripps, thank-you for these beautiful designs!   This post was linked up to Craft-O-Maniac Link party!  


  1. Wow that is too cool! I just followed, I had no idea you did custom stamps either!

  2. I'm a new follower, and I'm thinking I need to order a custom stamp too! Great projects Jamie!

  3. Jamie sent me over here and I signed up to receive the blog via e-mail... I love the custom stamps! Can't wait to have one made of my own.

  4. Im a follower, nice cards Jamie, I love them. Love custom stamps :)

  5. wow very custom stamps


  6. Hi..
    Lovely card!!!

    I am new follower.


    Val Rodrigues

  7. Jamie...these are so cute! You are truly talented lady. I am very impressed with all of your work!

  8. Jamie is a rock star!!! Love her tons!!!!

  9. Jamie....gorgeous work! I love all of them!

  10. yippie! i just started following. jamie rocks! ;)

  11. Cute cards and box!!
    I'm a new follower.

  12. Jamie always does fantastic work - and this is no exception! Great job, girl!

  13. I just became a new follower! You things here look great! ^_^

  14. I became a follower too! Gorgeous cards! Jamie rocks!

  15. Jamie, love all of her projects!!
    Very creative!!
    I just became a follower!!

  16. I adore Jamie and thank you for showcasing her amazing talent today.


  17. Loving Jamie's cards and thank you for the giveaway for us fans!!

  18. Jamie is one of my favorite artists for the same reason you listed, versatility of style.
    I will definitely follow you, love the stamps and the inspiration!

  19. Fabulous works of art Jamie!! Love that adorable baby box!!

    I'm a new follower thru email! Going to check into the custom stamps!! Sounds so cool!

  20. Great work again
    and Fabulous Ideas
    love the custom stamps also
    next on list
    thanks keep it up

  21. I just became a follower, and love what Jamie did with that border stamp on the last card. I never would've thought to do that!

  22. oh my these are fabulous! I LOVE that window card and the gift bags :)
    Thanks for sharing :)

  23. i became a follower (send here by Jamie).. amazing projects Jamie.. fabulous colours, design and love the stamping. Congrats on the GDT

  24. So awesome to see a friend featured using the fabulous stamps from PSA! Great project, Jamie.

  25. Love Jamie's beautiful projects! The custom stamp with her blog name and address is awesome... I would be over the moon thrilled to have one of those! Following now thanks to Jamie :)

  26. I'm a new follower and a new fan! I have never heard of your stamps so I'm so glad I saw them on Jamie's blog! I'm excited about them & I can't wait to get a personalized stamp! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  27. I love all of Jamie's cards - amazing!!! The animal stamps on the baby card are adorable!!
    I am a new follower.
    I would love a personalized stamp - thanks for the chance to win!!

  28. I am now a new follower!!! I love all the cards shared, thanks for the chance to win!!

  29. Love Jamie's adorable projects! :)

  30. what beautiful creations jamie! i didn't know you created custom stamps either! i'm in love! i'm a follower now too-definitely don't want to miss out :)

    thanks for sharing!


  31. I'm a new follower and I subscribed to your newsletter. I would love to try one of your custom stamps. Thanks for the chance, Johanne L.

  32. Congratulations to Jamie on a FAB guest spot and to PSA Essentials for a great choice of designer. Projects are all so creative : )

  33. I am a new follower! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  34. Thanks for sharing your great projects Jamie, and congratulations on being a guest on PSA stamp camp. I am a follower of Jamie and I have now subscribed to PSA. Thanks for the great giveaway. Kindest regards

  35. I'm a new follower of your blog and I also signed up for your email. I came here because of Jamie, I have been a follower of hers for a long time. Thanks for a chance to win in the great giveaway.

  36. I'm a follower! Jamie is so creative and super inspiring with her MOJO! Love all the fun cards. Thanks for a chance at this AWESOME candy. I could really use this for all my cards.

  37. I am following - Jamie did an amazing job! I didn't realize PSA did custom stamps this would be awesome to have for my cards and custom pieces TFS

  38. Gorgeous projects! Good luck to all the new followers! ;( LOL ...

  39. Fabulous project Jamie!!!! I'm a new follower!!!

  40. I love Jamie's style and follow her blog. This type of stamp/stamper looks awesome & would fit in my style wonderfully! I'm a new follower! Can't wait to see more from PSA Stamps!!!!

  41. Jamie sent me as well - I have stamps and I think that I will use them but do not. I think this would be just my style! Thanks so much. neldacnm at yahoo

  42. Hi how cool these stamps are. I have read about them but never have seen them. I am a follower so enter me for this great giveaway.

  43. These are adorable projects!! Love the creative uses for your cute stamps! I am a new follower..can't wait to visit again for more fantastic inspiration. Thanks Jaime....huge fan! Cathie

  44. I'm a new follower and love your products! Jamie projects are so pretty!! So creative!!

  45. I am a new follower, love your stamps and Jaime's creations! I really need a custom stamp. I recently had a blogger take a project of mine and post it on their own blog without my permission and failed to give me credit. I would use my custom stamp on all of my projects and also use it as a watermark image, thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

    scrappindhilly at gmail dot com

  46. Jamie your projects are so cool! I love them! I follow you and PSA! TFS CallyAnn

  47. I am a new follower, great stamp and adorable creations, thanks for the opportunity.

  48. I am a follower :)

    pruttybird at comcast dot net

  49. I am a new follower! Love all the craftiness.

  50. I just signed up with Google follower! Just found your site! Thanks for the chance to win a goodie

  51. I am a new follower now of your blog and Jamies. Welcome Jamie. Looking forward to new inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies too.

  52. I have already been a follower of PSA and Jamies blog! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome stamp
    Deb C

  53. Found your blog through 504 Main. I love the cuteness that these stamps add to homemade cards. Adorable!

  54. I'm a new follower and I'm loving it! :O)

  55. I'm a new follower and I love the cards. The stamps are great too because you can use them for so many different things. Thanks for offering this.

  56. This is beautiful as always Jamie!! Love the heart card, is my favorite!!
    TFS!! Take Care!!
    Jennie @

    1. GFC: allibrary

      allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  57. I'm a new follower by email. Love it!

  58. I'm a new follower and love what Jamie Cripps designed with your stamps. Thanks for a chance to win some!

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