
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's a Boy Layout

On my to do list:  Connor's scrapbook.

Not sure when I am going to get time to do it, but it remains on my list.   Kim Schofield has created a layout for a friend's baby, Cooper.  I am loving the clean and simple look and also the use of "It's A Boy" stamp from PSA Carriage.   The yellow and natural colors, combined with the baby blue is right up my alley.

Here are some recent pictures of Connor that I would like to incorporate into my layout... He's such an incredibly HAPPY baby.   We are so lucky.

We had a photoshoot with photographer Dayle Thomas, of Smarty Pants Photography.  If you are local in Hilton Head or Bluffton, I highly recommend her.  She's fabulous!  Here's a few that she captured of Connor.

Smarty Pants Photography: O'Regan children &emdash;

Smarty Pants Photography: O'Regan children &emdash;

Smarty Pants Photography: O'Regan children &emdash;

Great pictures, huh? Now all I have to do is find time to do some layouts...

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