
Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Week - Day 1

When I was growing up, school started after Labor Day in Massachusetts and I remember almost instantly the weather turning cooler, leaves changing, and shopping at the mall for my new back to school duds and supplies with my mom.   Thinking back to those times makes me happy – I remember the excitement of starting a new school year with my friends, new teachers, new subjects – the air was filled with such promise!   Much the same way but now as a mother, I am thrilled for a new school year to be starting.  Molly starts her second year at May River Montessori.   Having graduated the toddler program, Molly joins the primary classroom in the 3-6 year old class.  I am as giddy as a school girl.  For her!

Since school starts next week for us, I am sharing fun ideas for back to school this week on PSA Stamp Camp.   We have projects for getting organized around the house (back to school is synomomus with getting organized, isn’t it?), projects you can do with your kids, and projects that will inspire your kids at school.    Today’s project comes to us from Jamie Cripps.   She’s created a weekly calendar to organize her household.   And it’s not just any boring calendar.   I fully admit that this project requires a lot of stamping but it makes being organized extra fun and could be worth your time!   Check it out:

She’s stamped the day using PSA Funky Numbers, then each activity comes from PSA Mom’s Calendar or PSA Date Night.  These are two great Peel & Stick packs to get you organized!

Check out a weekly menu plan that will help you also get super organized when it comes to planning meals!  Thanks for creating and sharing this Jamie.    Since I started menu planning and shopping according to my menu, I have saved a ton of money and I am not scratching my head in front of the pantry of what to make for dinner.  

See you tomorrow for more back to school! 

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