
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sick, sick, sick.

EVERYONE in my household is sick.  Sick, sick, sick.  Except for me and I don't know how I am hanging on. Maybe it would just be cruel if I were sick too so I have been spared.  Molly has an ear infection, a nose that's running like a faucet, and Connor just 11 weeks old, is headed to the doctor today because he's pulling at his ear.  I want the CDC to come disinfect my house.   Since that's not likely, I am just walking around with a can of Lysol and tons of antibacterial lotion.   My parents (especially my mother) are usually my heros about right now coming to my rescue but they're off enjoying themselves at the Olympics in London.  So jealous right now.

I wish for brighter days!  This great card was done by Kelley Eubanks and uses Hello Kitty from Hello Kitty Garden club.   I love the simplicity of the card - Kelley is never one to be shy of a white background.  The blue and white twine from The Twinery really pops here and the little cheery gem Kelley adhered to the card makes me smile.

This too shall pass.  And it really could be a lot worse so I'll quit complaining.   Have a great Tuesday everyone!


  1. Oh, so sorry to hear that your little ones aren't feeling well. Make sure you are getting some rest in the mix of all of it to keep yourself healthy! And I am jealous of your parents too!

    Love the card. Hello Kitty is just the cutest.

  2. So sorry you are all sick! That's not fun at all! Very cute card!!!

  3. Oh your so lucky not to have any ailments hopefully you will keep it that way and a speedy recovery for the poorly ones! fabulous card really love your kitty!! xx
