
Friday, September 21, 2012

Toy Storage Organization

My 3 year old daughter Molly goes to a Montessori school and among the many things I am grateful that she is learning is the concept of order.   Molly likes things in their place, organized and neat.   If you leave something open, she will ask you to close it.   If she takes something off a shelf, she’ll put it back.   If something is messy, she likes it to be clean.   Yes, she has a mother who has some tendencies of OCD, but mostly I attribute this characteristic of Molly’s to school.     One of my best friends Susan who watched her this summer said that one time Molly practically begged her to clean up her room!

Taylor Urban of our design team also likes be organized, especially with her kids cars, puzzles, books, cars and other toys.  She created these simple and attractive toy storage organization labels.   Now “big toys,” “cars,” “small toys,” and “balls” all have a place.   And they are creatively labeled and decorated using PSA Essentials stamps.  

Taylor chose stamps from Peanuts Joe Cool Peel & Stick pack to illustrate each label.   She framed them against colorful patterned cardstock and hung them with yarn and washi tape on bins. 

The room is uncluttered and her kids can easily find their stuff, even if they aren’t reading yet because of the stamp illustration.   Got to love this neat idea.  Pun intended. 

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