
Monday, November 19, 2012

Food Markers

Sometimes I think it's funny when people mark food with a sign on a buffet.  It seems like a lot of extra work to create markers and sometimes its pretty obvious what it is.  Do green beans really need a sign next to them that says:  "green beans?"  Well you have to wonder.   But it's one of the biggest trends I have been seeing in blogland and my favorite party planning sites like Hostess with the Mostess.  Apparently, food markers are a must have.  Even if it's just green beans after all.  

So to keep on trend, today I am sharing these adorable and simple food markers by Taylor at Taylor Made. I adore her blog and her creativity!  She's used the pumpkin stamp from our newest Peel & Stick collection here. And she's colored the pumpkins up to bring the stamp to life (a technique I always recommend.)

What's on your Thanksgiving menu?  Will you be doing food markers?


  1. Ha! I have asked myself the same thing about food markers at dinners or parties, especially when the food item is obvious. I would personally only use them for "mystery" casseroles and then only if I had a large menu or was entertaining a huge crowd (which occurs like... never). I did use them once at a Halloween party to give all the dishes "spook appeal" like: Brain Pate' and Zombie Fingers. Otherwise, they seem like a lot of work I could apply elsewhere... these are cute, though!
