
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Baby Stationery

There have been a few events in my life where I have been completely blown away by my family and friends generosity.  When Mike & I were married for example, we received an abundance of gifts.  When Molly and Connor were born, we were showered with the things we needed (and a lot of luxuries we didn't need but loved!) We are extremely fortunate.  

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with people's generosity. Almost embarrassed by it.  How can I repay someone for being so thoughtful?  For me, it's a heartfelt thank you card.  As a true stationery lover, part of the fun of my thank you note is the stationery itself.  And I love baby and kids stationery!  I could spend hundreds.  I found this great photo thank you at Tiny Prints

Of course, I dressed up my envelopes with my personalized Wallace stamp.  I changed up my ink color to match the stationery (like anyone is going to notice but me! but it does add an extra touch and changing it up is so easy!

I'm no Peggy Post, but I have been told I write a good thank you note! Here are a few of my tips: 
  1. Thank the gift-giver for their specific gift.  (Don't say: "Thanks for the gift." Say: "Thanks for Sofie the Giraffe!" 
  2. Include why you like the gift, or how you will use it.  ("Sofie the giraffe is the #1 teething and baby toy! We know Connor is really going to love it when his teeth come in!  Right now he looks cute cuddled next to it!) 
  3. Take the time to write a letter.  Give tidbits about your life or happenings in your day.  ("We are loving being new parents but are totally exhausted. Connor is awake every 2 hours.  I hope it ends soon!) People like to hear more about you! 
  4. Write something personal about the gift-giver.  ("I hope Mandy & Mia are doing well in school and enjoying soccer season.  We hope to see you guys in Bluffton this summer!") 
  5. Write 2 or 3 a day if you have a lot to do.  Because I believe that the reader knows when you have written 10 or 20 before that one.  You just sound bored by that point! 
Isn't this card adorable? I just loved it! 

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