
Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to School Organization

With a strange orientation schedule two weeks ago, then a week off, The O'Regan family is welcoming tomorrow with open arms.  We are ready for school (and a regular work schedule!) We spent the Labor Day Weekend in Disney World but came home Sunday afternoon with school prep and organization on the brain.  Well, I did at least. Grocery shopping, check! Laundry done, check!  Closet organization, check! Lunches packed, check! Violin contract signed, check... It's all done!

Every year I struggle to pack the right lunches and I am a list maker, so today's post is all about getting organized for back to school with a grocery list template and lunch box ideas. No stamping today! I know all the mom readers will appreciate these tools and ideas.  The first is a great meal planner and shopping list. I love how this has your menu planner and list all in one.

My daughter, Molly, is enrolled in after-school yoga, violin, ballet and tennis.  It's hard to keep it all straight and what she needs to bring when and where.  I printed this out, marked it up and taped it to my cabinet. At least until I get the routine down! This comes to us from Activity Village.  Download it by clicking below.

I need to pack Molly AND Connor's lunch at May River Montessori, and they've thrown a monkey wrench into my packing this year (no peanuts!).  I've rounded up healthy lunch ideas from Pinterest that are packaged so cute -- how could my kids not eat them?  Be sure to click on the image for the original source (and thanks to all original sources, credited below.) 

From Smashed Peas & Carrots (who did a PSA Review years ago!) 

From Mom Endeavors -- won't this be cute for Halloween? 

What are your favorite back to school resources, templates and planning ideas? We would love to hear from you! Share ideas here on our blog or on Facebook! 

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