
Sunday, September 14, 2014

After School Activity Jar

I am actually a firm believer in not always "entertaining" your kids.  My kids specifically need to learn that I can't always be crafting with them, sitting on the floor playing, and constantly in their faces.  No structured play date, no structured activity, and time with the TV off  is SO good for children. It's in that "boring" time that kids find a way to occupy themselves -- invent games, explore toys, play imaginatively.   That all being said, I like the idea of having an hour of time devoted to the kids after school where we can do something together that's fun and exciting. 

On days that Molly doesn't have scheduled activities like ballet or tennis, I am always searching for that thing to do with them. I thought it would be fun to create an "after school activity jar" filled with fun ideas.  So last week, we made our jar!  Every morning before we head off to school, we pick our after school activity. It's made those non-activity days (for ballet and tennis) SO MUCH FUN.  

Here we are making our jar. I used an old vase, cardstock, pink paint, and of course, my PSA Essentials "Activity" stamp from Mom's Calendar Peel & Stick stamps. 

I had the kids involved in making the actual jar, cutting the paper and painting it. Then we had fun coming up with activities to do.   Molly and I brainstormed together! 

Later on when the jar was dry, I stamped "activity" onto the jar. It's totally fine and expected that they didn't come out perfectly on the jar. I used the Peel & Stick stamp on an ink pad (if I could find my acrylic blocks that would help....) 

So what have we done?  Would you believe that Molly drew "Lovin' Spoons" -- a trip to the yogurt shop on the first day? 

We also got "Make Fall Decorations" -- more to come on that later! That was a fun one. 

We pulled "gardening" last week which turned out to be my favorite of all. We went shopping for seeds and plants and planted. Connor had the most fun watering....

And on Friday, we drew "Island Playground." Time of the kids lives! 

Molly and Connor are really becoming friends. They play together at the playground even when other kids their own age are there. They talk to each other. They look out for each other. I can honestly say seeing their friendship emerge has been the most rewarding part of having two children. 

They're growing up so fast, life seems to be wizzing by, I am working really hard and I am pretty tired. Spending some QT with them, even if it's a bit scheduled is so special! Hope you get some family or friend time, too.  Thanks for reading! 

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