
Friday, September 19, 2014

Inspirational Quotes and Sayings

Just over a year ago, we went through a big change here in The O'Regan household. I was inspired by a few quotes about pursuing your dreams and going for it that really motivated me.

I refuse to be anything but successful.

Two of the quotes that became the backbone of my thinking hang at my desk. I look at them everyday.

There are some days I say, "Wow, I've accomplished a lot." Other days, I look and think I have such a long way to go.  I found this one and thought it should also probably sit on my desk, too... 

I have started to see my limitations and more recently thought to myself -- maybe just because I can, doesn't mean I should. So as I got sucked into Pinterest last night pinning a variety of inspirational quotes (hence this post....), I found this one and felt compelled to share.  This is SO true, isn't it? 

Focusing on what's important is really the key -- this is a good one! 

This is a good reminder for any busy mom. So many of my friends focus on their kids, career, their husbands, and leave little time for themselves. And those that do make the time to go to the gym or get a babysitter to watch their kids so they can go out with friends, end up feeling guilty about it. Sigh. 

This one also was pin-worthy to me. I love being with positive, smart, successful people who inspire me. I am lucky to have a lot of them in my life. 

Found this good one too.... you never know what people are "fighting." 

Thanks Pinterest, for sucking me in once again. Find more inspirational quotes and sayings on my Pinterest board here. Or hop on over to see all of my Pinterest boards here. (I was pinning Halloween like crazy yesterday, too! So many ideas for this Halloween using my PSA Essentials stamps coming soon!) 

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