Monday, November 4, 2013

What are you thankful for? Enter to win!

Of all the holidays, Thanksgiving is my favorite.  It's not about presents and it's not about candy.  It's about coming together and being thankful for all that we have.  2013 has been one of the hardest years I have ever experienced.  Transitions with work, raising a 4 year old girl who can be very emotional, chasing after a very active 18-month boy (who didn't sleep through the night until he was 14 months old!), paying attention to my husband, and trying to balance it all has been hard.

But I have it so good. I am so fortunate.  When I really step back and look at my life, if this is "hard" then what do people who really have it hard go through?  And that's when I feel truly grateful for my life.

I have very supportive parents, in-laws that I absolutely LOVE, and some true friends that have been loyal and uplifting whenever I feel down. I have a roof over my head and plenty of food in the fridge (though Connor seriously eats a lot...)   And we are all healthy.   For all these things, I am blessed.

We want to know!  Share what you are thankful for and enter to win our giveaway below!

To enter to win, leave a comment and let us know what you are thankful for this season! (You can earn an extra entry by liking PSA Essentials on Facebook and also tweeting about this contest up to once a day!) By commenting, you'll enter to win a personalized stamp by PSA Essentials, 2 Peel & Stick packs, 1 alignment tool, 1 black ink, 1 2-color ink and free shipping to a U.S. resident. (International folks may enter but agree to pay shipping!)

At PSA Essentials, we hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving! We have some great posts coming up, stay tuned for great ways to celebrate the season.

Card by the talented Kelley Eubanks uses Hello Kitty Trick or Treat stamps by PSA Essentials

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am thankful for the roof over my head and food on my table. I am also so thankful for my family and friends.

  2. I am thankful for all of my family! They brighten each and every one of my days!

  3. I am so thankful for my family, my friends, and my new businesses kicking off!

  4. I am thankful for my husband, son, my faith and blessings that come my way every day!!

  5. I am Thankful for the health of my family.

  6. I'm thankful for my family's good health!

  7. I am so thankful to be back in California with my family and friends, where I belong. It's been a rough year.

  8. I am thankful for my triplet boys and little girl, a blessing!!

  9. I am thankful for my family, friends and our health!

  10. I'm thankful for my wonderful family, our health, and our home. <3

  11. I am thankful for finally having the courage and strength to leave an abusive relationship behind and thanks to all my crafty online friends who encouraged me every step of the way. Who would have thought I would have so many bobble head friends I say because you usually one see everyone's head shot lol!!!

  12. I am thankful for a loving family, and and amazing husband. A great job and a car that runs.

  13. I am thankful for a job that provides good medical benefits!

  14. I am thankful for my God and my family and our health

  15. I'm thankful for my awesome hubby!

  16. I am thankful that my husband gave me the okay to be a stay at home mom. I now have the best job in the world!

  17. I am thankful that my family is healthy as we approach the holiday season. I hope that we stay that way!

  18. I'm thankful for my family and all of our good health!

  19. I am thankful for my family and friends.

  20. Hard to narrow it down to just one thing! I am so thankful for family and friends but I am very thankful for my job! I work at a family homeless shelter in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Why am I so thankful for my job, because it has taught me to appreciate what I have and who I am. We deal with families going through crisis every single day and I am so thankful that at the end of the day I have a supportive husband to go home to, a roof over my head, a loving family to include grand kids, wonderful neighbors and fridge with food. Working with the homeless you realize that many people have lost EVERYTHING! They are needing to start over! Some with or without family support, some with little or no education. Some families literally have nothing! I was talking with a friend over the weekend and saying how being poor takes all day! And boy does it! If you have an appointment at welfare it takes all day, if you are on the bus needing to go from place to place it takes all day, if you need to set up daycare, get to work and put dinner on the table and you are a single mom it takes all day! Going to work everyday just reminds me of how very lucky I am...Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. I am thankful for the chance to win this great giveaway. on a heavier note I am thankful to have my family safe, healthy, and happy. thank you lord. I have a few customized stamps from psa. I absolutely love them but I really could use some more.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  22. Soooo thankful for so many things, but especially for my wonderful life in a new place this year and to my hard working husband and kids who helped us get here!

  23. Even though I lost my job and my husbands work place is slo, I am thankful that I can volunteer at mu son's school more, spend more time making healthy dinners for my family and finally (ok, ok, maybe!) getting caught up on all the house work (so thankful to have a house!) that I've pushed off til "I have more time". That time is now and I am so thankful that I'm here to do it.

  24. I'm thankful for crafts because they keep me sane. Seriously

  25. I'm thankful that after I lost my job and found out I was pregnant, my boyfriend stepped up and took care of everything and worked even harder to keep the roof over our heads. I'm thankful that I was able to go to school to provide a better life for us and our son, as he continues to bust his hump and provide for us.

  26. I am thankful for my three children who are just graduated with their degrees and working very hard! And a husband who is loving and supportive. Even though we live in an area where many people have lost their jobs we have ours and are happy! I feel grateful that we can help those who are not as fortunate! !

  27. I am thankful for my wonderful husband Tyler who works so hard so I can be a stay at home and my healthy and beautiful 2 year old daughter Kenzlie who makes every day so much more fun!

  28. I am thankful for my true friends that have been so uplifting whenever I feel down.

  29. I am thankful for my health and all I do have.


  30. I stumbled upon this contest while checking facebook...but I had just gotten off the phone with our church secretary. I was overwhelmed with the amount of bad news--members who have cancer...

    So, today, I'm grateful for my health...I can enjoy my children and my husband...yes, I'm very grateful...

  31. My son, and my daughter on the way!!

  32. I am thankful for the health of my family. We have had some health struggles with health recently but proud to say no issues today!

  33. I am thankful that my children are happy and healthy and we have a roof over our head despite my changing careers and having a hard go of it

  34. I am thankful for having a super easy 1st pregnancy so far. :-)

  35. I am thankful that all my family and friends in the Philippines were all safe from Typhoon Haiyan.
    It is so difficult to be living away from your loved ones and not knowing if they're still alive or not. This Thanksgiving is indeed a special one.

  36. I am thankful that my family will be together in Norfolk with my son who is in the Navy!

  37. I'm thankful that my daughter just got engaged last weekend and we have a wedding to plan!!!

  38. I'm so thankful for my kids especially my daughter whom I almost lost beginning of month. with her new disease-Type 1 diabetes.. I'm so thankful for quick action of doctors and nurses in taking care of her.

  39. I'm so very thankful for God and His blessings.

  40. I'm so thankful for my family - a wonderful husband and two healthy, albeit a little crazy, daughters.

  41. Ok here goes! Thankful for Family and home of course/. AND....DIET Pepsi and peppermint dove bark. Yep That's right..the little things!!!

  42. I am thankful for a healthy and happy family.

  43. I'm thankful for my beautiful children and loving husband and for the warm and comfortable home we have to live in on this cold night!

  44. I am thankful that my families/relatives/friends in Tacloban City are safe after being hit hard by the super typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan.

  45. I am thankful for many things, this year i am thankful my husband is still standing, he has been through a car wreck, a spider bite and a broken foot! I am thankful to live far from family so i do not have to choose who to spend my time with, but i miss them lots! I am thankful for new friends, and i am so thankful to be a mom, the last 19 months have been the best months of my life!

  46. I am thankful for my health and my family!

  47. I am thankful for life, the good, the bad & the ugly. It makes us who we are & more appreciative of all we have!

  48. So thankful for so many things. This was a tough year for us in many ways (we lost two furbabies that we've had for 13 years); but it will end with us moving into our newly constructed house, gainfully employed in jobs we love, our health (with a goal to focus even more on this in the coming year), the love of friends and family, and the hope for an amazing new year!

  49. I am so thankful for my parents raising me the way they did, teaching me about Christ and raising me with morals and values!!! Also, so very thankful for my husband, our children and our health!!!!!!

  50. I am most thankful to have lived long enough to see my children prosper and enjoy my two adorable grandchildren.

  51. I'm thankful for the love and support of my husband, and our family.

  52. I'm grateful for the opportunity to thank the people who have inspired, encouraged, and cheered me on to becoming a doctor. I cannot wait to hug their necks, give them a heart-felt letter of appreciation, & walk across the graduation stage next month.

  53. I am so very grateful for a God of second chances. I'm living a life I never thought possible, dreams coming true that seemed like a storybook. Married the love of my life 3 years ago (together for 6), we have 6 kids combined, lots of grandbabies, a roof over our head, food in our tummy and jobs to go to every week. God is good! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  54. I am thankful for my family. Without them, I'm not sure where I would be today!

  55. I am thankful that I have been mostly healthy this past year. I am thankful for my amazing family, especially my special hubby

  56. I am thankful for my family and good health! It's the little things that mean so much!

  57. I am thankful for a wonderful family!

  58. Every day I wake up in the morning is a blessing! I am thankful for my health and being surrounded by people who love me!

  59. Too many things to name! There is much to be thankful for in my life. I love waking to my husband and our children. I am grateful for having a job I love. I am thankful I have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies and many extras.
